Kate McGuinness Dog School Card 03

Kate McGuinness Dog School Card 03

Regular price $5.95

Kate McGuinness is a graphic illustrator and mum-of-two from Wellington.

During the lockdown period, Kate turned to art as both distraction and a form of relaxation. She took up the global #100day challenge – in which artists set a 100-day challenge for themselves, and shared her project through Instagram @studio-of-kate.

Kate’s digital illustrations focus on special people and places around her hometown of Wellington, but many of them reflect life in our Country. The series features storefronts, cafes, restaurants, parks, playgrounds, beaches and little boys whizzing around on balance bikes.

Her process always begins with a walk around the city or local suburbs (always with a stroller and two kids in tow). Kate photographs scenes that catch her eye, then creates rough sketches on paper before jumping on a computer to illustrate.

“Illustration provides me with a unique channel to share my love of storytelling.”

Prior to having children, Kate worked as a secondary school English, Media Studies and Visual Arts teacher in New Zealand and abroad.

We have a selection of cards featuring Kate's designs, all are blank inside for your message and are printed on paper produced from certified and audited (WMF) Well Managed Forest plantations, right here in New Zealand.

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